Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Blessing Day - December 29th 2010

Your dad gave you a very special blessing.  I took notes and will add those when I find where I safely stored them?  But for now the thing that I remember the most is that he blessed you with endurance, endurance in all aspects of your life. (found it-- see below)

Dantley Jacob Lewis
-look up to example of siblings, learn from them
-follow the path you should follow
-prepare and serve a mission and marry in he temple
-Endurance - endure temptations
-Physically be able to endure illness and pain
-Endure to perform the work you have come to accomplish
-Hold strong to the Word of Wisdom
-Run and not be weary, walk and not faint
-Through faithfulness, draw close to the spirit
-Serve Father in Heaven
-Know his will concerning you
-As you serve a full time mission - receive the gifts of the spirit
through the gift of tongues touch the lives of those you come in contact with
-Through the spirit your testimony and faith they will draw closer to the Savior
-Be an example to your friends, thought they may not join the church
they will know you are a true friend and be touched by your strenght.

From left to right the priesthood holders that stood in the circle while you were blessed.
Ryan Miner (for the past two years our family has done a monthly temple swap with their family, his wife Shauna Miner does an art and piano swap with  me.  Natasha takes piano and I teach their daughter McKenna art lessons. Shauna is also my visiting teaching companion and reliable friend).
Mark Hyde (My youngest brother, and your uncle --This was his visit to Seattle and we were so happy to have him there for your blessing).
 John Hyde (My dad and your grandfather -- this was the first time he has been able to be at there when one of my children received a name and a blessing.  He spoke a few words after and shared his testimony.  He also reminded us that without him being around we wouldn't be around either :).
You and Daddy 
Joe Nelson (Second Counselor in the Rock Creek Ward Bishopric)
Mark Russell (Our family has become close friends with the Russell family since they moved to Maple Valley.  Mark's wife Brigette was in your dad's ward in Great Falls, MT growing up.
Aaron Tyler (Aaron has been our hometeacher since we moved to Maple Valley.  His oldest daughter has been in Natasha's class at school since we moved here and they are best friends.  
It is always a worry that a baby will cry during the entire blessing-- when you started to get fussy during your blessing Aaron looked down and noticed that your dad had a pacifier in his hand but couldn't move in a way to use it.  Aaron quickly and quietly put it in your mouth and you were quiet for the rest of your blessing.

Marks girlfriend Jessica flew out to spend a few days in Seattle with us.  She is on the far right.

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