Friday, September 30, 2011


 Trey loves his baby brother!

Dantley loves animals -- He says kitty every time he sees Scotty and has his own guttural word that I am not sure how to type for Kodiak.
 Sometimes he gets a bit too excited and smacks instead of pets.  That is why Natasha is watching over so intently.
 Feeding him a carrot... Tasha has to help or he will take turns putting it in his own mouth - Yuck!

Last week a friend helped me repaint the kitchen (sometime soon I will post pictures) -- I hung a few different pieces of art so I had the hammer and level out.  Dantley kept trying to get them and especially loved the hammer.  He keeps going back into Jake's office to find it.  I think he will be getting some toddler tools for his birthday.

Ever wondered what a hammer tastes like?
This super cute stage is flying by like a whirlwind.  It is an adorable little disaster making bundle of fun.  On days when I feel like I don't have a second to breath unless he is asleep I remind myself that he is likely my last, and then I try to soak in all the messes, fingerprints, new words, and climbing cuteness that I can.  At church when we need to walk the halls with him nearly the entire time, I remind myself that all too soon this excuse to not pay attention will be in primary.  So even though I may like to hear the lesson and I get tired of walking in circles, I kind of enjoy it. 


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Eleven Months and into Everything

I can't believe that Dantley is one month away from turning one year old.  He is a very busy little boy.  He likes to empty out drawers and shelves and whatever else he can get his little hands on.  He likes to climb out of his high chair and stand on the tray which is quite frightening to all who witness it (seriously to come on this).  He zips away and then laughs when we chase him down.  He is usually heading up the stairs or tow the laundry room.  He says several words now - dada, mama (not nearly as frequent as dada), hi, kitty, cracker -- he has his own words for drink and water (not "ter" anymore) and it sounds like his says "myn" for tamsyn and and his own word for Tasha and Trey (that is if he isn't screaming out a warning when Trey is near.  He pretty much only eats what we eat now-- doesn't want much to do with baby food.  He is a pretty good little eater and we hope he continues to be as our other three were pretty picky.

ADD HIS DR. visit stats (and add Treys and his reaction to the other blog)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of School

You were along for the ride when we took Natasha to her first day of 4th grade and Tamsyn to her first day of 1st grade.