Wednesday, June 29, 2011

8 Months!

Dantley is 8 months old!

Yesterday Dantley figured out he can pull himself up and stand in his bed.  He is standing al the time (as the little bruise on his head would attest. He got that from trying to use one of corners of the cabinets in the kitchen to pull himself up with).   He also is really good at becoming a wooden plank when I try to sit him down.  He refuses to bend and only wants to stand.  This leads to the car seat battle that seems to happen with all kids when they realize they can fight back and make it a struggle every time it is time to buckle them in. 

 I can't believe how blond he is getting.  When I go back and look at pictures from his first few months his hair is dark brown.  This totally remind me of pictures of Jake when he was a baby.
 He gives the best cuddles when he feels like it.  So irresistible!

This reminds me... well of two things - 1. I need to fold some laundry, and 2. I am pretty sure Dantley's first word is going to be "kitty."  He makes a Kih kuh sound now when he sees Scotty and starts kicking his feet with excitement.

After the bruise incident, I decided that surrounding you with pillows might be helpful :)

Stair Master

Watch out.  There's nothing safe now.  We've never live in a place with stairs with a baby where we had to watch out for things, but now everything has changed.  Vicki went to a "Girls Night Out" event at a friend's house for an hour or so and I have the kids.  When I set Dantley down on the floor of my office, he headed out the door and toward the I followed him to see what would happen.  Sure enough, he scaled them like they were nothing.  Up he went one after another until he made it to the top.  (Important Note, especially for his mom who isn't home yet:  I did follow after him to make sure he didn't fall)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Look at Me Stand

Wednesday June 15th

That is right -- not only he is on the go with his speedy little army crawl -- he now officially pulls himself up to stand.  

I always used to think the moms who complained that their baby's were growing too fast were a bit nuts... but I am totally feeling it this time.  I want my baby to be a baby for a while.  These months are flying by too fast. 

Over the last week he has also started eating graham crackers and demanding more of the food we are eating.  He has a cute little grunt that he uses to tell us that he wants something.  He is such a little person now.  

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Just Because

Found these pics on my camera.  I think the kids must have put daddy's hat on you and decided that a few pictures were in order because you are so darn cute!